Thursday, January 6, 2011

Original Me...

This link above is of me singing one of my favorite songs that I wrote.  The title is cloud nine and it may be a littles sketchy but I hope you ENJOY!

The second link to youtube is a video summary of Dante's Inferno.
major conflict  · Dante attempts to find God in his life, while those sentenced to punishment in Hell hinder him from the true path.
themes  · The perfection of God’s justice; evil as the contradiction of God’s will; storytelling as a vehicle for immortality
motifs  · Political arguments; allusions to classical literature and mythology; cities; the role of fame and prestige in human life
symbols  ·  Inferno is an allegory; nearly every element symbolizes some aspect of the theme. Most notably, the punishments of the sinners correspond symbolically to the sins themselves.

1 comment:

  1. You know I'm one of you biggest supporters and I've been a fan for a long time so it was nice to see one of you post one of your throwbacks. You've come a long way with your singing and I have no doubt that with your growth you can succeed in the future!

    P.s watch your "I's" !
