Saturday, April 9, 2011

He Made It..!

Well Mr. Randall made it ,and it was a very nice visit to LHS indeed. We had a visiter from our class also, Mr. Kyle Thompson, I thought it would be a good idea since he doesn't have a sponsor and Mr. Randall was very pleased to meet him. We all discussed our talents,heard a new song of Kyles, and took a look at each others blogs. But, on another note Mr. Randall had some new ideas in store for me. The idea of teaching Ron how to use the beat making technology such as pro-tools, loop, and sonic producer pro, but he want me to learn and pik it up, too. So that got me thinking maybe I an create my on beat and write to it. It would be the perfect addition to my final presentation. yes, it's perfect a master plan for perfection. I must say I a extremely excited and I can't wait to see what I've got, as well as show you.

Song Of the Week ( choice)

Etana: Reggae's Jill Scott
While sitting in class this week, Mr. Abrams sent me an email that directed me to the npr website where I found their artist of the week. She grab my attention the instant I saw the title of the article about her, Etana: Reggae's Jill Scott. Ok so, for one, I happen to love Jill Scott so i had to take a look, and secondly I'm half jamacian and I'm not really connected with my roots so it interested me immediately. "A roots-reggae bassline, accented by well-placed horns, has an old-school feel, but Etana's vocals seamlessly blend Jamaican Patois, R&B-style English and soul-sounding intonation. The result is a rarity: music that sermonizes, yet still sweetly serenades," stated the article, and I also felt it through her words and in her tone. It was liberating experience, and I enjoy eah song that I've heard so far. Above is a link to the npr article, and my song of the week "FREE" by Etana. ENJOY!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sponsor Meeting Flop

Well, I was patiently anticipating the arrival of my sponsor on Wednesday, but I got a text stating that an important family matter had come up and he could not make it. So unfortunately Ron and I did not get to meet with our sponsor this week but I did text him and asked if we could schedule a oovoo (webcam) meeting so we could have a meeting this week, I'm still waiting on his response. I just hope what ever is going on isn't to serious and he'll be able to get back to me some time today.

Song of the Week (My choice)

" I gotta find peace of mind, I gotta find peace of mind. He says its impossible without him, but I know its possible." Theses words pulled me through this crazy week of school, and so I now pronounce it Jasmin's song of the week. The song is called Peace of Mind by Lauryn Hill, and it was brought to my attention by my beautiful find Jalysa Jones. It seems like most inspirational song are handed to me in my time of need and it always speaks volumes. Music can pulled me so far out a funk that nothing in the world can bother me, it save me in a sense.  In this video she is preforming for MTV unplugged and she sings with such passion in every note. Towards the end she begins to cry and the chills that she gives off fills the room. Watch the video it speaks for itself and I hope you come to enjoy her songs and spirit as much as I do.

Archway Visit...(connection)

Ms. Susan Website
On Friday, the choir, orchestra, band, and The New Groove went on a trip to preform at Archway School, and must say it was a very liberating experience. While we were there I meet a wonderful woman by the name of Susan Herrick, the Music Therapy teacher at Archway. She explained to us a little bit about how music helps the student there and how they really love music , it helps them get through their day. I immediately approached Ms. Susan , as she likes to called, and introduces myself. She seemed very excited to hear that I was interested in learning more about Music Therapy. Half way through the show she gave me her card with her email on it and told me to contact her asap, so I did.I took a look at her website and it has plenty of informational fact about Music Therapy on it, I also emailed her to let her know I would love to interview and get a one on one lesson about how it all works, and I am eagerly waiting on her response. Over all the trip came out to be very beneficial after all, and I cant wait to update the class with what I will further learn. Above is a link to Ms. Susan website , why don't you take a look.

Egan " Big Man On Campus"

Today's visit to Egan was one of the funniest, he had a few runs to make before we began but he always makes the wait worth while. Today we caught up on how I had been the past few days, and I told him music is pulling me through. Now I must say that Egan and I have very similar music styles, and I think thats what made us so close today. But today big man Egan was listening to a little fist pumping music, and he didn't hesitate to show me his dance moves. But on a more serious note he was happy to catch up with me and see that I'm defiantly working on my Forward Progress, and I'm excited to say that Egan has full access to his blogger so there is no excuses now.