Sunday, May 8, 2011


Yesterday Mr. Abrams took us on a Senior Project inspirational trip to the Lindenwold park, and although the park is right behind school it was the best trip ever. But, of course with a class trip comes an assignment , and I must say this assignment is one of his best ideas yet. See on this simple exploration Mr. Abrams wanted us to find and explain some type of connection we found in our surroundings to our Senior Project topic. I took this assignment full force excluding myself from groups and really taking the time to walk, explore my thoughts, and imagine. But, the instant I stepped foot outside I had already had my mind made up, just this walk was my connection. What I mean by that is that a walk for me is my releasing therapy. For instance, when we began our small journey I instantly thought of the old days when my anger would take a hold on me , I would immediately leave and start walking and eventually any anger I had would go away. So the got me thinking, y whole life I've created my own inner therapy because the walks that I would take was just as therapeutic of the music that I listen to to pull me through. My comfort I once thought I could only find in music , I had then found in just a simple walk. Music therapy  is now walking therapy in a sense, and I'm satisfied with my new discovery. Also, I would like to explain what the picture to the above represents. The picture shows my worst fear deep water, although it seem beautiful it is the scariest thing in the world to me. But, I must say although I am extremely terrified of the ocean and deep water, I think it is one of the most peaceful and mind blowing views known to mankind. The comparison is somewhat weird but it makes tons of sense in my mind.

1 comment:

  1. There are so many layers to your entry, and I particulary like your observation about deep water. I thought about you guys - my seniors - and how you guys are about to do some serious swimming in the deep water. Getting out of high school is such a significant rite of passage - no baby-pool stuff any more.

    I really liked our walk as well. Let's do it again!
