Monday, May 30, 2011

Death Before Honor (Connection)

Another life was taking in Lindenwold this week, and not only should it be an eye opener, it should be a reality check for those who think life is all fun and games. On Wednesday night Dizon Jackson was killed in front of the 2800 building in Arborwood, by someone he called his "boy", "friend". His death, like David's, should make people realize that they need to get their life together because anyday can be your last. Dizon was not the type of person you would think someone would kill. The picture to the left is how we all remember him. That smile never left his face, and he always had some type of joke to tell. Ever since I met him I would always call him Loveles, the pinguin off of happy feet. He hated it so much but loved because it was different. He will forever be missed. My connection to the story is that his death should be sort of theraputic for those who don't realize their rights from wrongs and who feel they have a future in this life. I just hope people open their eyes and get their lives together before everyone is gone.
R.i.P Loveles

1 comment:

  1. I never had this young man in class, and I didn't know him through school, but your entry brought a little piece of him into my conscience, and with this he lives just a bit - even if it is with a stranger.
    RIP Mr. Jackson.
