Sunday, March 27, 2011

Chat W/ Egan

My meeting with Mr. Egan went great as usual, and I can't wait until the next one. But as for this sit out we conversed about my schooling and I expressed my future thoughts on school. Im actually looking into going to ACC , if my life goes as planned I think it'll be great. He was also very excited that i went to vist my sponsor ,his responce was actually, "Woooo!". When I returned to school the next day I told Egan that our next visit would take place right here at good old LHS. We didn't get to have a sit down like I wanted ,but it the next one should be great.

My choice (song of the day)

While I wanted to make it clear that music is a passion ,so you must listen to all types of music, which leads me to this entry. My spotlight artist of the week is Fefe Dibson, a young diverse artist that gives you a little titaste of everything. Her style is completely destinctive and captivating, she draws you in. She's a Canadian-born fireball that grew up in a musically diverse family, the sounds that permeated FeFe’s household pulled her in all directions at once. Her mother would regularly spin tunes by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, while dancing around the house with abandon. “My mom was like a disco queen,” says FeFe with a laugh. “She was crazy. She’d always be dancing to Flashdance and stuff like that. I’d sit there and go, ‘She’s weird,’ but that’s how I learned to dance.” Meanwhile, another influence began to dictate FeFe’s rock aesthetic.
“I grew up with Michael and Janet Jackson, but my older sister was listening to Guns N’ Roses and Nirvana, so I was right in the middle of it,” says Dobson, a native of Scarborough, Ontario, a suburb of Toronto, where she was brought up by a single mom, a mix of native Canadian and English, with a Jamaican father . “I like that combination, especially when I heard Janet’s ‘Black Cat,’ with its rock guitar riff. That’s what this album reflects. I tried to isolate myself from the radio and TV while I was making it. I listened to a lot of old records, like Stevie Nicks, the Doors and Led Zeppelin, real dramatic, emotional music.” Fefe bacame a true rocker but she imbraces all walks of music. I hope you enjoy this video, " Bye Bye Boyfriend", it really show hoe diverse she is.

Learning Loads.(Sponsor Meeting)

Girl holding violinWell on our visit to see our sponsor Mr. Randall Johnson, Ron and I learned more about each other and our sponsor. Mr. Johnson took us through some of the work he has done and I must say he is a very diverse man. he work include everything from house music, gospel, HBO commecial music, r&b, etc. He also wanted to futher understand Ron and I have somewhat of the same topic. But as most know we are to completelu different type of people so our brain and ideas are opposite. But we expressed to Mr. Johnson that we wanted to colabrate in someway on or final presentation, which I must say is exciting. He also introduced be to a book called ,All You Need To Know About the Music Business  by Donald S. Passman, I took a quick glance and it and I could tell this information was presentation worthy. So my mind started to wonder ,should I change my thesis statement or is it to late in the game?
Also, he asked Ron and I if there are any instruments that were our favorite Ron had a hand full of musicly treasures of his sleave. But, me I had one love and that was the Violin , he asked why I stop playing, and it made be wish  never had to stop. Well over all the visit was great and I cant wait until the next one. He actually coming to LHS for a vist on Wednesday, hope he can stop by the class, cross your fingers.

No Birth Certificate, No Recognition...( My Choice)

Women Turns 119 years old
Above is a link to a story about the oldest woman in the world. She is 119 year old, Rebecca Lanier of Cleveland Ohio, and she has seen more than the world can imagine. Ms. Lanier, was born in Mississippi , where her parents were slaves. She has out lived bout of her children and now lives with her grandson. Although she is an old woman she still has all her jewels and is completely in her right mind. Her grandson says she is still in touch with the world, wakes up makes her bed and goes about her day. Reporter asked her if she could remeber anything from her childhood and she responded by saying, " Yea I worked really hard for them white folk." Now although Rebecca Lanier is recoginized by Social Sercurity as 119, but the Guinness book of world record won't without a birth certificate. Unfortuanatly in Mississippi around the tie she was born Birth Certificates for blacks were unheard of. Ms. Lanier was asked what was her secret for long life, and she responded by saying just live, and so she has.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Good Old Chats W/ Egan

Well Egan and I had a nice meeting and as usual I came out feeling great. We began by me informing Egan that he needs to hop on blogger, and start commenting more.But, he happened to forget the password he used to access his blogger account, but no worries we will crack the code. On the other hand,the meeting covered again how my life was going and how I was dealing with my emotions. But what he doesn't know is at times I think he needs a major break, but it's just not in him. Also, it was Egan birthday this past week and I was truly excited to make him a poster , and I must say he was very happy and enthusiastic to recieve his present poster. See Egan you are loved, and it was nice to make you smile. Today I notice that Egan looks to me to guide and be an example to the underclassmen , but at times my issues get in the way of my better judgement. I was really upset to disappoint him today but I made up for it with a smile. It gets no better than the Eg-mister.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Connection- New Jobs, New Outlooks

Well I've just began working at Telepoint Communication Inc. and it is truly an eye opener.Just imagine being the person behind the imfamous bill collecter or telemarketer call, CLICK is all you hear.  If people knew that we dont actually dial their number I dont think people would be so anger about the call. But as everyone knows each job is a new learning experience, and I've sure learn pleanty working at Telepoint. For example, at times I have a problem when people are rude and ignorant about nothing, and I could never tune them out and just move on. But, at Telepoint we have people who curse us out everyday and we have a mute button and personality to calm them down. So from now on I will act as if I have a mute button and completely tune the world and its ignorance out. Life lessons are so hard to learn but once you do it stays with you forever, and this job sure is helping my anger. Thanks new job.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chat W/ Egan

Chatting with my mentor, Mr. Egan, is always a cheerful and influential meeting. Talking to him at times really does feel as if I'm talking to someone who understands me in every way. He has seen me grow from a child into a lady who is still training to become a woman. Today's meeting was geared more toward my life's situations, and how I can build and learn from them. But the conversation was finally in my hands and Egan was happy to see that I was finally doing good. But I must say I need to take the time out and be more productive, apply my educational talents more, and get on the ball. The way  I'm going through it my head is like music, every time I feel myself losing it I sing to myself. Someone once told me that your life is like a car, YOU are the only one supposed to stair it in the right direction, You're the only one responsible for if you crash, and and only YOU have the title to your destiny. So are  going to give up and let the wheel  go? My answer is NO! So when I report to Egan, I'm in good spirits because I know at end of the day I can say I have one of the best councilors high school can offer. And I am very fortunate to have him by my side during my high school career. I guess this meeting made me realize how much I value school and the wonderful people who surround me in it. So on that note, I want to dedicate this blog entry to the students and staff of Lindenwold high for helping me escape everyday. It means a lot to me. thank you and I hope you enjoyed my blog.

My Choice..Satire connection

In my English 11 class we discuss the different types of satire there are and how they are used. As we entered class, he distributed a satire report call, Our High Schools May Not Adequately Prepare Dropouts For Unemployment. Just from the title you could clearly see that it was a Horatia satire. Horatia is a satire that playfully criticizes some social vice through gentle, mild, and light-hearted humor. But on the other hand there is Juvenal satire, which the picture to the left illustrates. Juvenalian is out if a type of satire that is ore contemptuous and abrasive. It addresses social evil through scorn,outrage, and savage ridicule. For instance, some examples of the horatian satire are The Simpson's and the article that Mr. Myles present to use today. There is also a website called, The Onion, which plays off of real life situations by using satire to express their opinions in a humors way. You can also view an example if juvenalian satire by viewing the clip of a speech at
 the White House during a dinner. I hope you enjoy. But as I close this blog I leave you with a mini challenge; see if you can figure out what the images satire.Good luck!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Connecting With Psychology...(connection)

Music psychology is not music therapy, and it is very important to distinguish the two.Music psychology is primarily an academic discipline, while music therapy is a profession.Music is one of the central elements in human condition, which basically means we relate to music that we can tell the artist has been through, and vice-versa. When the serious academic studies of music and human individuals are combined they form the new era, Musicology. The music psychologist investigate all aspects of musical behavior and experience by applying methods and knowledge from all aspects of psychology. To gather futher information on the subject they ask questions pertaining to everyday music comsumption,emotions toward certain type of music, structure (melody, bass, piano,etc),etc.Music psychology can shed light on non-psychological aspects of musicology and musical practice. For example, music psychology contributes to music theory by investigating the perception of musical structures such as melody, harmony, tonality, rhythm, meter, and form.Questions in music psychology are often difficult to answer. So instead they use research literature to careful quality control procedures. These generally take the form of anonymous expert peer review, which is a standard feature of all leading music-psychological societies, conferences, and journals. If you ever want to take a look at a few of the online Music-Psychology here a few site. Enjoy!