Thursday, March 17, 2011

Connection- New Jobs, New Outlooks

Well I've just began working at Telepoint Communication Inc. and it is truly an eye opener.Just imagine being the person behind the imfamous bill collecter or telemarketer call, CLICK is all you hear.  If people knew that we dont actually dial their number I dont think people would be so anger about the call. But as everyone knows each job is a new learning experience, and I've sure learn pleanty working at Telepoint. For example, at times I have a problem when people are rude and ignorant about nothing, and I could never tune them out and just move on. But, at Telepoint we have people who curse us out everyday and we have a mute button and personality to calm them down. So from now on I will act as if I have a mute button and completely tune the world and its ignorance out. Life lessons are so hard to learn but once you do it stays with you forever, and this job sure is helping my anger. Thanks new job.

1 comment:

  1. Do you ever have people toy with you or lead you on or pretend to be someone they're not.

    P.S. Please proofread.
