Sunday, March 27, 2011

No Birth Certificate, No Recognition...( My Choice)

Women Turns 119 years old
Above is a link to a story about the oldest woman in the world. She is 119 year old, Rebecca Lanier of Cleveland Ohio, and she has seen more than the world can imagine. Ms. Lanier, was born in Mississippi , where her parents were slaves. She has out lived bout of her children and now lives with her grandson. Although she is an old woman she still has all her jewels and is completely in her right mind. Her grandson says she is still in touch with the world, wakes up makes her bed and goes about her day. Reporter asked her if she could remeber anything from her childhood and she responded by saying, " Yea I worked really hard for them white folk." Now although Rebecca Lanier is recoginized by Social Sercurity as 119, but the Guinness book of world record won't without a birth certificate. Unfortuanatly in Mississippi around the tie she was born Birth Certificates for blacks were unheard of. Ms. Lanier was asked what was her secret for long life, and she responded by saying just live, and so she has.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating. I've always been fascinated with stuff of such a senescent nature.
